Prices available upon request.
See some preparatory sketches for my unwritten narrative / a book in progress at
Most recent works at the bottom of the page.
Honeypot II
Oil on Canvas
120x 75 cm
DETAIL:Honeypot II
Oil on Canvas
120x 75 cm
Trouble shooting.
Some works in progress.....
.......trouble is i need to push myself out of my comfort zone, i am fed up flattening everything, believing it was a far more postmodern attitude towards painting, yet i am wrong..... again! Painting just needs to be part of a contemporary conversation and be relevant to the people who are looking at it and of that time....well a bit more than that but i don't want to go into details right now... flattening an image still has its problems, it becomes an exercise in tonal and colour composition, across a flat surface ... i have been working from very tiny photos bought on the internet, old Brownie cameras produced weeny photos, details are impossible to see. So necessity being the mother of invention, i am left to make up most of the picture...which usually happens when the 'energy' and 'dictates' of the paint take over. But now i feel i need to gain practise in painting in a more 3D way... but still playing with the image in some sort of distorting or disturbing manner, rather than relying on the paint to do it for is my process. Actually though, i would say that some of my work does mix 3D ness with flattened areas, especially where faces are concerned. i seem to give up trying to paint other objects in a 3D manner, that have anything to do with reality I too lazy or else bored with the results.... copying is restrictive and i prefer experimenting with the properties and possibilities of paint.....i have an urge to try some more 3D 'styley' in a more 3D likeness to the subject ....i want to push my imagination more and create....i do feel though that there is a danger of losing the passion of the paint quality experimental side of each painting and giving in to creating an image which is not about painting ....i simply have to find a balance between image and paint.... mustn' t be getting all stressed out about it...
Interests need more focus, fusing, process has got to take a turn, I tend to play with anything from the ...Baroque, figurative, uncanny and absurd - secret politics, myths...maidens and Man...... old photos and history...well thats pretty much everything i suppose.... oh yes..and Paint. Tears of Niobes started out as a collage of bits a pieces gleaned from the internet. I might try a bit more of that.....argh...feel so confused! Where to start!????**&%$£@***&?! Might have to go drink a nice cup of tea in the garden!
Glory Daze IV
Oil on Canvas
120 x 70 cm
Marilyn's Tears
Oil on Canvas
Showing stages of development...
Tears Of Niobes
Oil on Canvas.
29 x 40 cm
Tears of Metis
Oil on Canvas
29 x 40 cm
In progress.......
Persephone's Tears
I am going to try and add a Lilly to this painting...though I realise its rather allegorical , i don't think it matters.....I am going to call it Persephone and the Last Lerion.
Lilium, the genus, is the Latin form of the Greek word 'Lerion' for the Madonna Lily. Red lily was first described by the famous Swedish botanist Carl von Linne (Linnaeus) in 1753. Lilies are one of the most beautiful, and graceful of all summer-blooming flowers. Lilies are believed to have been under cultivation longer than any other ornamental flower, having existed in gardens 3,000 years ago. Floral designs, particularly of Lilies, made their appearance and became very popular in the 18th dynasty of Egypt. In Ancient greek Myth, as described by Homer 6th or 7thC BC |
Not happy with the lilly ....
Back to basics just for a grounding....the human figure, when I feel stuck i tend to go back to drawing and reality, just to check I can still keep it real.....trouble is...I keep discovering that I can't!
Oil on Canvas.
2metersish/large pieces are trouble some...they clog up the studio!
I might trim it down as the details seem to work better than the whole thing!
Courbet inspired piece.
Strange Shit Happens.
Oil on Canvas
LittlePuyi's Lament
Oil on Canvas
25 x 35 cm
Myth of a Hare
Oil on Canvas
25 x 35 cm
Claris Cliff II.
Oil on Board 2013
21 x 29 cm
And Pigs Will Fly.
Oil on Canvas
25 x 25 cm
Changed to 'Circe's Revenge'
But I think I preferred it before!
Adventures of Hare II
Oil on canvas
29 x 40 cm
Adventures of Hare I
oil on canvas
29 x 40 cm
Adventures of Hare III
Oil on canvas
29 x 40 cm
Cornelius . Detail.
Work In progress/oil on canvas/150 x 190cm
Sold .
Icon series. Marilyn 2012
Oil on Board
21 x 19 cm
Sold to
Fionn Wilson
Icon Series. Mao Zedong.
Oil on Board
21 x 29 cm
Punctum I .
Punctum II
Oil on Canvas
19 x 23 cm
Punctum III
Oil on Canvas
25 x 35 cm
Final Resolution
Oil on Canvas
40 x 40 cm
Shoes II
Oil on Canvas
25 x 20 cm
Oil on Canvas
Shoes I
Oil on Canvas
29 x 40 cm
Three Little Putti.
Oil on Canvas
Great Escape. Sold
75 cm Height.
Oil on Canvas
Glory Daze I . Work in progress
120 x 75 cm
oil on Canvas
Against interpretation I
Oil on Canvas.
Height 75cm
Against interpretation II
Oil on Canvas.
Height 75cm
Glory Daze I .
120 x 75 cm
Oil on Canvas
Wash Out.
Oil on Canvas
50 cm x 50cm
Shoes II
40 x 40 cm
Oil on Canvas
On the Edge
Oil on Canvas
40 x 40 cm
Glory Daze I detail.
Oil on Canvas
120 x 75 cm
Courbet Inspired.
Stubborn As
29 x 40 cm
Oil on Canvas
Courbet inspired.
Strange Shit Happens.
oil on Canvas
20 x 25 cm
Amy . 2008? oil and resin on Hessian. 20 x 25 cm Reworked see below...
Angelina . Oil and resin on Hessian. 2008/9 Sold 17 x 17cm approx'
Pandemony. Sold
Toy Taker II .
Sold to Ms Susan Menge £450
Oil on Board.
21 x 29 cm
Toy Taker III . Oil on Board. 21 x 29 cm
Toy Taker. Oil Sketch with pencil on Board. 21 x 29 cm
Toy Taker I.
Oil on Board
21 x 29 cm .
Sold £450 to Ms Susan Menge
Toy Taker IV . Oil on Board. 21 x 29 cm
Emmie Oil and Resin on Hessian. 17 x 17 cm
The Burden of Desire
Over laid with RAW magazine cover work of Joost Warte
To Eli Nugent
Oil on Canvas
120cm x 150 cm
Toy Taker VI Oil on Board 21 x 29 cm
SOLD oil on board 50 x 50 cm
Dog's Dinner. Oil on Board. 28 x 28 cm
His Master's Voice . Oil on Board. 21 x 29 cm
Old Mistresses Oil on Paper 25 x 20 cm
Slippage . 30 x 45 oil and resin on Canvas. SOLD
SOLD. BURDEN OF DESIRE after being reworked.....see below
80 cm x 140 cm
Comedy of Power . SOLD
Black Boy. SOLD
Mis- Connected. 75 x 120 cm. SOLD
Mother II 20 x 25 cm
Stuffed. Oil on Canvas. Stolen from a Tottenham restaurant called Cornelius!
Formerly known as The Lock!
Full Circle .Oil on Canvas. Stolen from a Tottenham restaurant called Cornelius!
Formerly known as The Lock!
Gonk. Sold
Cover illustration For Art of England
Comedy of Power.
50 cm height.
Sold .
Space Invader. Oil on Canvas . 75 x 120 cm
Kate . Oil on Paper. Sold
Mother II Oil and resin on Canvas
Ode to eve. Sold 100cm x 100cm Oil on Hessian.
Sold... Keep Your Head On.
Pretty in Pink. Oil on Canvas. Stolen from a Tottenham restaurant called Cornelius!
Formerly known as The Lock!
In a private collection.
Oil on Canvas with resin.
Ode To Jo. Oil on Canvas. Stolen from a Tottenham restaurant called Cornelius!
Formerly known as The Lock!
i pod 21 x 29 cm oil/canvas
Promising Possibilities 20 x 25 cm Oil
Mother I . Oil on canvas.
My projects produce sets of works
which have a unity, but projects differ from each other in style, form and
content. I respond to each project with different techniques and aims, working
at times with only a few basic under painting colours, then at other times
using a far more Baroque or painterly approach. Subject matter is usually drawn
from photos I have taken and then re photographed and processed, but I also
enjoy reworking The Masters, in an ironic attempt to appropriate ‘greatness’!. Reworking and layering
paintings is often an integral part of
my process, it places a distance between the viewer and the viewed and embodies
my notions of hyper reality and fading memory. I get a feeling for an image, it
appeals to me and I need to communicate the feeling through painting. My images
sometimes seem to have an inherent sense of ,‘a secret and silent violence’,
often they are tinged with a melancholic sense of loss and emptiness , perhaps
because, despite all the searching there is no answer. I want my paintings to
challenge belief. For as Sartre would have us, ironically, believe, belief is
the problem, never the answer.
paintings evolve out of a constant search for an ideal symbiosis between form
and content they seem to be tinged with a sense of loss and nostalgia and have
been derived from tangents in and around identity.
process is often concerned with chaos, chance and disruption; It is eclectic
and seems to be what can only be described as rhizomatous[1]; By employing a
variety of processes such as under painting; the use of layers of glazes
and resins, which at times dissolve and bleed into other images, the
subject becomes dissipated and the viewer is left to fill in the gaps; through
gaps in the image the process can sometimes be revealed; by
deliberately employing techniques which rely on chance,
disruption, destruction and chaos, new possibilities are created for each
image ... this process relates to my interest in Foucault’s writings.
often the paint’s visceral and autonomous qualities battle for supremacy
over the subject; yet only when the two find that illusive harmony, a new and
more real truth can emerge, a symbiotic union suddenly reveals itself, a
new truth, and as if by chance a painting will seem complete. There can never
be a predicted outcome when deliberate, controlled disruption is
employed. At times only nothing remains!
image is the foundation or the inherent structure which allows for the paint
and myself to explore a million possibilities. Some images are repeated just to
see how many ways the painting process will affect them.
project is about discovering what the paint can do for me, this keeps my
relationship with paint very alive. Sometimes it seems it is the paint that
dictates, one must remain in a state of aware unawareness to make the most of
the fleeting moments of inspiration. The paint is always trying to tell me
something. At times it would appear that mistakes are the mother of
leads me to collect numerous images from history books, art books,
magazines, the net, drawings and photos. These are appropriated and then
used as a 'coat hanger', i.e. a structure on which to hang a new
interpretation or new combination of signifiers. My work often refers to
history and my research into it. Inspiration also comes from novels and
philosophy: Therefore meaning in my work is always latently inherent, and is
mostly linked to my historical and philosophical research into ideas of other,
loss and identity as an existentialist concern .
[1] Rhizome; a thick underground
horizontal stem that produces roots and has shoots that develop into new
Man Ray Inspired .
Christie in Love.
Painted for Cheekish Productions.
Oil on Board.
21 x 29 cm
Pre Raphaelite inspired.
75 x 100 cm .
Holly Hock head Fuck.
Oil on Canvas
Cornelius II Toy Taker Series
Oil on Board
approx.30 x 30 cm
Milk Bar .
120 x 75 cm
Oil on Canvas.
Summer 2014
Conscience I
Oil on Canvas
120x 75cm
Conscience II III
oil on Canvas
Conscience IV
OLI on Canvas
120 x 70cm
The Lower Omo River in south west Ethiopia is home to eight different tribes whose population is about 200,000.
They have lived there for centuries.However the future of these tribes lies in the balance. A massive hydro-electric dam, Gibe III, is under construction on the Omo.
When completed it will destroy a fragile environment and the livelihoods of the tribes, which are closely linked to the river and its annual flood.
Salini Costruttori, an Italian company, started construction work on the Gibe III dam at the end of 2006, and has already built a third of it. The government says over 50% has been built.
Oil Sketch 2014 40 x 29cm
Oil Sketch 2014 40 x 29cm
Photos from gallery.
And then the gallery had to close.
Best Wishes to Sean and a massive thank you.
Sean runs a blog though so we can keep up to date...
God in the Garden 2014 Oil on Canvas 120 x 70 cm |
Soothsayer I 2014 200cm x 130cm destroyed! |
Skin Deep.
Oil sketch.
40 x 29 cm
Ode to Eve II
Oil sketch on canvas.
40 x 29 cm
Buy from Cultivate shop.
Sooth Sayer II
This was painted over the Soothsayer I !
Painting of boy on bike is also for sale;
Punctum X. oil on canvas 2014 120 x 70 cm
Buy / bye for now zxxx
I am inspired by the Great Masters
Prince Balthazar By
Diego Velazquez
Inspired Adventures of a Hare.
I am inspired by the Great Masters
I am inspired by the Great Masters
Boy Bitten By a LizardCaravaggio
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