Friday, May 11, 2007

Old Stuff.

"Does feeling that life is too short increase the passionn for it in a desirable way"Daniel Buetti.

title of sculpture in the photograph; the paintings i did not paint. zocco dizzyache

‘My, how time goes backwards these days dear!’ The dates are all tampered with ......the oldest blog is dated most recent. The origin of the quest, is shown as the newest, at the top, when it is in fact the oldest and so should be at the bottom..... i have defeated time and have the articles running chronologically whilst running from top to bottom, oldest first in this way they present the quest as it begun and as you scroll down so you employ a method of excavation, mining deeper and deeper .

The quest produces a number of archives and galleries at it grows these are diversions and tangents and as the nature of this quest is one which embraces serendipity, accident and chance i have a strange feeling that this may indeed prove to be a circular the fool in the tarot this may be a journey which takes us full circle.........possibly a spiral jaunt or something reassembling the idea of a fractal.

What ever the final blueprint, the map of this virtual space, is or will be, it will most positively will be about the journey, about the ‘Getting There’ and the ‘Getting Nowhere’, as much or more so than the arriving. It will no doubt reflect ‘change in ideas’, and opinions, as it devours the notion ‘to be fickle is to be human’ , a change is as good as a rest, which is clearly reflective of the pattern of mankind’s behaviour as it mills on through the centuries; as postmodernism weeps whilst whipping the back of her father, biting the hand that fed her, twenty lashings for modernism, no doubt cynicism and revolution eventually become absorbed into the banal and so in turn will need whipping too.
The Gallery of Contemporary Art …..will reflect the curator's interests in Art as a Mirror . ...her concerns for the planet and the sick psyche of the human race as she sees it. Unsure of the path which has led us from Plato to Enlightenment , from Reason to Modernism and so to the questioning of all learned values and ideologies, learned identities and habits, to the promises of progress through utopias and technology....she is drawn to art which captures something of this questioning and dis-enchantment, worried for all the people stuck in boxes she wants to show art which will question the everyday lay persons preconception of reality, not the educated and knowing but the ones who don’t know.

F-Art. This is a gallery dedicated to the expelling of creative energy quickly and effectively. As a working mother zocoo can only make Fast Art .....small un-poetic pieces which always miss the mark but give her great pleasure in the 'doing of!' Her philosophy is that art is the creative act of doing something not done before, (every act is original in that the exact action can never be done twice , every time is a first and last, because every act is temporal ……), by employing a variety of external influences and factors, knowingly and unknowingly, by adapting and adopting context and accidents ......and whatever materials happen to be available for the is the residue of the act of BEING ....of being open, responsive and like a catalysi . To be creative is to be a receptacle where stuff gets mixed, merged and digested, and is eventually expelled as F-Art.

F-Art comprises of The Dust Archives, The-Strictly Ballroom, Stories, Poems, Photography, masks and ranting texts driven by emotional drivel.

Gallery Archives ; Here in is housed the texts and images concerning : ‘Painterliness’ and ‘Process’: Letters, Essays and Diary Excerpts which all pertain to the quest for greatness.

All the paintings shown form a gallery which reflects a questioning of painterliness.

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